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Become a  Florida Democratic Party Jewish Caucus Member!

Thank you for your interest in joining the Florida Democratic Party Jewish Caucus. You can join if you are a registered Democrat. You do not have to live in FloridaTo register as a member and pay by credit card, click here >>>  Member Signup Form

If you want further information about joining see below. If you have questions about renewing or joining that are not answered below, please use the Contact the Jewish Caucus menu option.

Details about Membership, Membership Types, Chapters, Renewals:

The signup process is a simple one:

When you click the Member Signup  Form button above, you will go to the online new member signup/ renewal process where  you  will be asked to select a membership type, complete information about person(s) in the membership, select a chapter, and then be presented with a secure credit card process to pay your dues. 
If you have questions about renewing or joining that are not answered below, please use the Contact the Jewish Caucus menu option.

We are organized by Chapters aligned  with a Florida County or group of Counties. See Chapter Finder
to find  a Chapter where you reside (either year-around or seasonally) and the Chapter Website menu. Chapters that have an * after their name cover multiple nearby counties.  If there is no chapter which currently exists for you,  please join the Statewide Chapter. When we form new chapters, you can then transfer to one of them.

If it is time for you to renew your membership, see instructions at  Renew

Memberships are for one year from date of joining.

Membership Type
Youth (under 25 years old)
"Mensch" (Super, Terrific Supporter)

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